
As you walk in, you’ll meet our Welcome Team on the door. They’ll give you a service sheet and a Bible (if you need one) and will show you where to go. If you have children, then ask one of the Welcome Team about Redeemer Kids. If you any questions, ask them and they’ll do their best to help.

we sing to the Lord

In our gatherings we sing. We sing songs from a mix of styles, but most importantly we sing songs that turn our hearts toward the Lord; songs that are rich in truth and grace; songs that you would want to come into your head when you face the worst of life; songs that are old and songs that are new. We also try to ensure that the emphasis is on the sound of the congregation, rather than the sound of the band.

we preach the Bible…

As we gather Sunday by Sunday, we believe that God has promised to meet with us by His Spirit and through His Word. So a key part of our morning gathering is the preaching of the Bible. Sometimes we’ll preach through a doctrine; sometimes we’ll take a topic and put it under the scrutiny of the Scriptures; but usually we will open up a book in the Bible and start preaching through it, week by week, chapter by chapter, unfolding its meaning for us.

we are family…

One of the best things about being a Christian is that we are brought into a new family. Our hope is that you will experience something of that on a Sunday morning. We don’t send the children out to groups straight away, but they stay with us for the first half because we want them to be there. After the gathering, we don’t all head off, we stay around and drink tea and coffee and eat cake, because we enjoy being with each other. In the week, we meet in smaller groups to deepen that sense of family even more.


Our Vision